The electrical needs within an office environment are often considered to be quite complex. By hiring a commercial electrician, not only will you find that the professional is invaluable in handling all electrical components, maintenance, and repairs, you will also find that they are invaluable in ensuring the successful operation of your business. In order to achieve true success, all components of the office must be reliable and in proper working order at all times. Commercial electricians will optimize your office for enhanced productivity. In this guide, you will be introduced to several key points on why hiring a commercial electrician is essential for your business.
Workplace Safety
It is a known fact that injuries that occur in the workplace place a heavy and undue cost on employers, the community where their business operates, and on the employees. In the year 2019 alone, private sector employers reported a whopping 2.8 million workplace injuries and illnesses. This averages out to be 2.8 cases for every 100 full-time employees. Many of these accidents and illnesses were considered to be “avoidable”. Examples include using power components inappropriately, faulty equipment, electrocution, and burns -all of which could have been avoided if the business had a commercial electrician in place to all the electrical components and work required within the business.
By hiring a commercial electrician, you are enhancing the overall safety of the workplace. Not only will this type of professional make certain that all wiring and electrical components of your office are properly installed, all electrical-based components and equipment will be consistently monitored to ensure the highest level of safety in your business. These professionals adhere to all standards as outlined on a state and federal level and ensure that all workplace requirements -in terms of safety -are met.
Emergency Preparedness
Did you know that a commercial electrician has the capability of saving lives during an emergency? This is due to the fact that the professional specializes in the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of emergency preparedness systems.
Examples include fire alarms, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide monitoring systems, security alarms, emergency lighting systems, and similar components that are often part of an office environment. By adding a commercial electrician to your operations budgeting plan, you will have the full attention of a professional that can mean the difference between life and death during an unforeseen emergency -which happen quite frequently within the United States.
Interruption Prevention
By owning and/or operating an office environment, you likely know just how costly business interruptions are. It may stem from downtime experienced during breakdowns and malfunctions. A commercial electrician not only constantly monitors all components of your office, but they are also capable of installing specialized lighting that improves workplace morale and increases productivity levels among employees.
Troubleshooting, electrical maintenance, repairing power systems that have broken down or is outdated, and ensuring an environment has the most modern equipment are all part of a commercial electrician’s responsibilities.
Energy Consumption Reduction
Energy usage is costly. Commercial electricians are familiar with products and actions that -when combined -reduce the energy consumption of a business.
For example, the professional may install light timers and dimmers, motion-detected lights, thermostats, and a wide array of other items that will turn certain components of your business on or off, depending on the need.
Additionally, energy-efficient lighting systems and light bulbs may be installed to reduce the amount of power that your office consumes.
Commercial electricians are capable of pinpointing equipment and appliances that are pulling the highest level of power so that you know what to update and when.
Highly Educated and Skilled
Commercial electricians are required to engage in several hours of classroom learning, on-the-job or field training, and pass numerous examinations prior to becoming licensed. These professionals are fully capable of delivering the highest quality work in the fastest manner possible. In fact, the certification that they receive guarantees high-quality work.
When you hire a professional commercial electrician, you can guarantee that they are licensed, bonded, and completely insured. Of course, when it comes to your business, you will want to make certain of this for your own protection.
Are you ready to boost the safety and productivity of your office? If you answered, “yes”, it is time to hire a commercial electrician for your needs. We here at Hardcore Electric are insured, bonded, and licensed. We can monitor, maintain, repair, and replace any electrical component of your business. For more information or to set up an appointment with one of our highly-trained professionals, you may contact us today by calling: 720-841-3897