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There are various kinds of safety or warning signs around us. Wherever we turn we see different signs to warn us of hazards such as electrical, falling debris, toxic materials and dangerous areas. The main purpose of these safety signs is to give us information of possible danger as a result of negligence or failure to follow these warnings.
One of the most common safety signs we see at work and at home are electrical safety signs. We shouldn’t ignore these warning signs even if we think, a slight electric shock is tolerable to give excuse to wet or bare hands while working on home electrical wiring. All electrical safety signs are designed for your safety. Sometimes, it’s not the lack of knowledge that puts us in danger but the failure to obey and heed the warnings.
Apparently, electrical safety signs are easy to understand because they are mostly images and not words, so an illiterate person has no excuse for not being able to read the signs.
Electrical Safety Signs : A Simple Guide
Electrical safety signs are a common thing in life. They warn on the imminent dangers and help in saving precious lives by preventing accidents.
Electrical Safety – Heed the Warning Signs : Helpful Tips
Electrical Safety – Heed the Warning Signs. by Stanley Jaroneczyk on 08/09/12. There are warnings that go off in our home everyday that we ignore. How many times has someone pulled the battery out of a smoke detector because it still goes … – Don’t ignore the signs that your home’s electrical system may be in need of help from an electrician. According to the US Fire Administration, electrical fires claim the lives of hundreds of Americans each year.