Electricity ServicesThere are several distinct workplace electricity services hazards that you should be aware of in order to properly protect yourself. Electricity is highly dangerous. In the year 2002, the organization known as the “Bureau of Labor Statistics” reported that nearly 300 individuals were killed by coming in contact with electricity in the workplace that year. Today, that number is even higher. At the minimum, that averages out to a total of one person killed each work day within the United States. Additionally, over 4,000 individuals missed work between the years of 1992 and 2001 because of an electrical-related injury. Recuperation from these types of illnesses are not only painful and last a long time, but, it may prove to be highly expensive. In this brief guide, you will be introduced to common workplace electricity services hazards.

Electricity Services Currents and the Commonly Experienced Complication
Any type of electricity services currents – even small amounts – may result in injuries and high levels of discomfort. There are many secondary injuries that may result in muscle reactions on an involuntary basis that could result in the development of fractures, bruises, and similar injuries. The following outlines the current amounts and the health effects that may be associated with each of the measurements:

  • Currents between .5 and 3 usually results in tingling sensations.
  • Currents between 3 and 10 will cause painful contractions of the muscles.
  • Currents between 10 and 40 will result in the inability to “let go” of the electrical culprit.
  • Currents between 30 and 75 may result in respiratory-based paralysis and possibly death.
  • Currents between 100 and 200 will likely cause ventricular fibrillation and possibly death.
  • Currents between 200 and 500 will result in the tight clamping of the heart and possibly death.
  • Currents in the range of 1.5 A and higher will result in the burning of body tissue and organs and will likely result in death.

Electricity Services Burn Hazards
There are numerous burn hazards associated with electricity services. While the skin on the body is designed to protect the internal organs from a wide assortment of elements, it is not considered highly effective in protecting from extreme temperatures. Naturally, high heat is considered to be a common byproduct of electricity. According to statistics, if the skin is exposed to a temperature of at least 203°F for just 1/10 of a standard second, it may result in a 3rd degree burn. The typical burn hazards associated with electricity services include the following:

  1. Electrical Burns – This type of burn occurs when an electrical-based current flows abruptly through the body and comes in contact with the tissues and the organs.
  2. Thermal Burns – This is a type of burn that happens when the skin comes in contact with a surface that is considered to be hot.
  3. Arc Burns – This is a burn that occurs in the high temperatures that immediately follow an arc flash.

Now that you are aware of the electricity services currents and the types of burns that may be experienced in the workplace, it is time for you to know how to protect yourself. First, all standard operating procedures in your workplace should be reviewed as it relates to electrical safety. Next, you should ensure that you wear protective clothing and use protective tools when at work that prevents the conduction of electricity. Finally, you should ensure that an industrial electrical engineer installs, maintains, and services all electrical components within the workplace. For more information on electricity services, contact us at Hardcore Electric by calling: 720-841-3897

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